Program Overview (English)
"We learn to read by reading, by making sense of what we see on the page. ... If we learn to read by reading, it will be much easier to learn to read in a language we already understand. Once you can read, you can read. The ability to read transfers across languages." Stephen Krashen
Our goal in Deer Park ISD is to help students' transfer what they know in their native language to the newly acquired English language and build upon it.
Research has shown that the quality - not the quantity - of English exposure is the major factor in English acquisition. That is, the second-language input must be comprehensible (Krashen 1996). Otherwise, it's just noise.
"English as a second language (ESL) is best taught in natural situations, with the second language used in meaningful contexts rather than in repetitious drills of grammar and vocabulary. One variant of ESL, known as "sheltered subject-matter instruction," adapts lessons to students' level of English proficiency. This approach is common in bilingual education programs as well, coordinated with lessons in students' native language. Teaching in the native language can facilitate the process. This native-language instruction also helps to make English comprehensible, by providing contextual knowledge in a student's first language that aids in understanding." James Crawford
Emergent Bilingual (EBs) or English Learners (ELs) need educational programs, which allow them to progress academically while they are acquiring English language skills. Our program models offer both academic content and English language development components.
EB students may enter the U.S. school system with previous educational experience and literacy skills in their native language, or their schooling may have been interrupted by world events and they may not be able to read and write or perform academically at grade level in their native language. EB students not only enter U.S. schools at all ages and grade levels, but they also possess the same range of skills and educational needs as do any other students – they may be candidates for gifted and talented programs, or may need special education services. Emergent Bilinguals must learn the same academic content that fluent English-speaking students are learning in school, except that EBs must do so at the same time as they are acquiring a new language. Learning a language is a difficult task which takes time. Our approach is one that values a child’s native language and the cultural values they bring with them.
Bilingual Program Grades PK-5
The bilingual program in Deer Park is a transitional model that serves students that are identified as Emergent Bilingual according to TEA standards. The bilingual program is offered at Parkwood Elementary and Deepwater Elementary. Students receive native language instruction in Spanish to develop academic content while acquiring English skills. The amount of time devoted to English instruction increases gradually each year as students become more proficient in English. Ultimately, EB students are reclassified as English proficient once they are able to participate equally in an English instructional program with no second language acquisition supports as determined by satisfactory performance in TELPAS and STAAR RLA in English. Students that do not exit from the bilingual program in the 5th grade continue on to 6th grade in an ESL program.
English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Grades PK-12
ESL services are offered at every campus in the district. Teachers are certified and trained in ESL methods in order to provide language support for students. This program is available to students that have a native language other than English or Spanish. Students receive instructional support through ESL classes and sheltered English instruction. Students are also reclassified as English proficient once they are able to participate equally in an English instructional program with no second language acquisition supports as determined by satisfactory performance in TELPAS and STAAR RLA in English.