Superintendent’s Office
Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council
Purpose and Mission
The Deer Park ISD Superintendent Student Advisory Council (SSAC) is comprised of sophomores, juniors, and seniors from Deer Park High School. The SSAC works directly with the superintendent and District administrators, providing an opportunity for students to have a voice and input into their educational experience.
The SSAC provides feedback and input to the Superintendent and Board of Trustees regarding District and campus initiatives, events, and procedures. It also offers students an opportunity to express what they think is important along with what could be improved, enabling students to receive an equitable education in a safe learning environment.
Current members along with campus administrators recommend students for the council. Students are chosen with diversity in mind so that all students are represented. Students serve and remain on the council until graduation.
Meeting Dates and Times
Meetings are held throughout the year from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. unless otherwise notified. Transportation and lunch are provided.
Service project
Each year, the SSAC chooses a service project with the goal of addressing a need within DPISD or the community.