Cybersecurity » Data Privacy Week 2025 (Jan 27-31)

Data Privacy Week 2025 (Jan 27-31)

Our data is collected every day—by your computer, smartphone, and nearly every internet-connected device you use. This could even include your smartwatch or car! However, you often have some control over how this data is collected, shared, and sold.
Personal data can be stored indefinitely and used to infer details about your socioeconomic status, demographics, and preferences. Even seemingly harmless information, like your favorite restaurants or online purchases, can be leveraged to draw conclusions about your habits and lifestyle. Many companies monitor user data and profit by selling it to third parties.
If this makes you uneasy, don’t worry! There are steps you can take to manage how your data is shared. While it’s impossible to lock down all of your information—even avoiding the internet entirely won’t prevent credit card companies from tracking purchases or the government from having your Social Security number—you can adopt simple measures to regain more control over your data and decide who has access to it.
Steps to Take
Know the tradeoff between privacy and convenience
  • Make informed decisions about sharing your data with certain businesses.
  • Consider the amount of information they are asking for. Weigh it against the benefits you may receive in return.
  • Be wary of apps or services that require access to information that is not relevant to their services.
  • Delete unused apps
Adjust privacy settings to your comfort level
  • Check the privacy and security settings on web services and apps.
  • Set them to your comfort level for information sharing.
  • Get started with NCA's Manage Your Privacy Settings page to check the settings of social media accounts, retail stores, apps, and more.
Protect your data
  • Create long, unique passwords and store them in a password manager
  • Enable multi-factor authentication
  • Recognize and report phishing
  • Update software 
When talking about Data Privacy be:
  • Actionable
  • Positive
  • Empowering
  • Simple
  • Realistic
Data Privacy Champion 2025
Deer Park ISD accepts recognition for being a Data Privacy Champion for four consecutive years. By getting involved Champions represent those dedicated to empowering individuals and encouraging others to respect privacy, safeguard data, and enable trust.Image

For more information/resources about Data Privacy Week, visit



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