Mrs. Lisa Becerra » About Mrs. Becerra

About Mrs. Becerra

My name is Lisa Becerra. I am starting my 27th year of teaching. I graduated from Southwest Texas State University, now known as Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas, with my Bachelor's Degree. I also have a Master's Degree from University of Houston - Clear Lake. I have taught 5th grade, 3rd grade and 2nd grade. 
Every school year is a unique experience and brings both joys and challenges. I love to see students grow during the school year! One of the best feeling as a teacher is seeing former students and catching up on their accomplishments and successes.
When I'm not at school, I love to spend time with my husband and three kids. 
Some of my favorites: 
Books: Harold and the Purple Crayon, The Sweetest Fig, and Carlos and the Skunk
Drink : Diet Dr Pepper
Snack: Cheez-its and cashews
Candy: Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and Sour Gummy Worms
Sport: Baseball
In my free time I love to read.
I always have a book or my kindle ready!
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