Deer Park ISD is known throughout the State of Texas for its quality instructional program, outstanding facilities and exemplary teaching and support staff. Team Deer Park---comprised of all employees, students, parents, taxpayers, community members and elected officials---prides itself on the District’s award-winning Fine Arts and Career and Technical Education programs, its successful athletics program, and an instructional program that places children first.
In 1930, the District’s first school opened in the small community of Deer Park, which was located in east Harris County. Today, the District is comprised of 15 schools and several support buildings, and enrollment has grown to over 12,800 students. Located about 20 miles southeast of downtown Houston, the District’s boundaries include most of the City of Deer Park as well as portions of Pasadena, Lynchburg and Highlands.
As a Texas public school district, Deer Park ISD is governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees. Trustees are elected at large to three-year terms of office. The Board of Trustees sets governing policies for the district and hires the superintendent of schools, who is the head administrator for the District. Each campus is led by a principal and one or more assistant principals.
Deer Park ISD has 870 teachers and 995 other employees [including instructional specialists, office workers, maintenance, custodial employees, classroom aides, technicians, bus drivers, cafeteria employees, and administrators]. Of the District’s teaching staff, 28 percent have advanced degrees. The average number of years of experience for Deer Park ISD’s teachers is 12.4 years, and the District’s teacher turn-over rate is a low 11.4 percent compared to the state average of 16.4 percent. This proves that when outstanding teachers find their way to Deer Park, they want to remain a part of our exceptional team.
The District also has a successful volunteer program through which parents and community members spend thousands of hours each year helping the district’s schools during the last school year. Of course, more volunteers are always needed, and anyone interested in volunteering should contact any school in the District for more information.
Due to its proximity to the Houston Ship Channel, Deer Park ISD has a large industrial and business tax base that accounts for more than 80 percent of the district’s tax revenue. However, Deer Park’s business neighbors contribute much more than tax dollars to the District. Several businesses have teams of employees who work as school volunteers, while other business owners and representatives serve on District committees or provide support in other ways.