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Board of Trustees
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Instructional Technology
Outdoor Learning Center
Reading Recovery
Simply Science
Summer Reading
Accounts Payable
Administration and Student Services
Assessment and Accountability
Assistive Technology
Auditory Impairment
Business Office
Child Nutrition
Communications/Public Information
Coordinated School Health
Counseling and Family Services
Facility Rentals
Health Services
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Superintendent’s Office
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Our Schools
Early Childhood Center
Carpenter Elementary
Dabbs Elementary
Deepwater Elementary
Deer Park Elementary
Fairmont Elementary
Parkwood Elementary
San Jacinto Elementary
Deepwater Junior High
Deer Park Junior High
Bonnette Junior High
Fairmont Junior High
Deer Park High School - North Campus
Deer Park High School - South Campus
Deer Park High School - Wolters Campus
Disciplinary Alternative Education Program
Our Schools
Mission Statement
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Accounts Payable
Jessica Bernal-Arenas
A/P Clerk
Email Jessica Bernal-Arenas
Vendors L-Z & Apple
Melissa Orozco
A/P Clerk
Email Melissa Orozco
Vendors A - D
Reynaldo Paz
Accounting Manager
Email Reynaldo Paz
(832) 668-7027
Melanie Rose
A/P Clerk
Email Melanie Rose
Vendors E - K & Office Depot
Administration and Student Services
Steve Corry
Deputy Superintendent for Administration
Email Steve Corry
(832) 668-7070
Title IX Coordinator
Dora Garcia
Director of Safety
Email Dora Garcia
(832) 668-7065
Samantha Vincent
Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Superintendent for Administration
Email Samantha Vincent
(832) 668-7070
Advanced Academics
Kitt Andrews
Director of Social Studies and Advanced Academics
Email Kitt Andrews
(832) 668-7109
Assessment and Accountability
Robert Meyer
Coordinator of Testing and Materials
Email Robert Meyer
(832) 668-7063
Steven Travis
Director of Assessment and Accountability
Email Steven Travis
(832) 668-7122
Assistive Technology
Elizabeth Stone
CTIS and Assistive Technology Lead
Email Elizabeth Stone
Darren Chandler
Athletic Director
Email Darren Chandler
(832) 668-7242
Tambra Gadd
Administrative Assistant to the Athletic Director
Email Tambra Gadd
(832) 668-7241
Auditory Impairment
Heather Curd
Auditory Impaired Teacher
Email Heather Curd
Meagan Mims
Auditory Impaired Teacher
Email Meagan Mims
BJH Boy's Basketball
Curt Bitterly
Email Curt Bitterly
DPJH Football, Boy's Basketball, Boy's Track
Craig Cobb
Social Studies Teacher and Coach - BJH
Email Craig Cobb
BJH Boy's Basketball
Chris Gross
Teacher & Coach - BJH
Email Chris Gross
BJH Football, Boy's Basketball, Boy's Tennis
BJH Boy's Cross Country
Heath Harvey
Football, Cross-country and Track
BJH Boy's Soccer
Craig Alaniz
Auxiliary Teacher & Coach - BJH
Email Craig Alaniz
BJH Football, Boy's Soccer
Heath Wells
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - BJH
Email Heath Wells
7B Football, Boy's Soccer
BJH Boy's Swimming
Darrell Kellam
Science Teacher and Coach - BJH
Email Darrell Kellam
BJH Football, Boy's Track, Boy's Swimming
BJH Boy's Tennis
Chris Gross
Teacher & Coach - BJH
Email Chris Gross
BJH Football, Boy's Basketball, Boy's Tennis
BJH Boy's Track
Curt Bitterly
Email Curt Bitterly
DPJH Football, Boy's Basketball, Boy's Track
Heath Harvey
Football, Cross-country and Track
Darrell Kellam
Science Teacher and Coach - BJH
Email Darrell Kellam
BJH Football, Boy's Track, Boy's Swimming
BJH Cheerleading
Grace Irick
Social Studies Teacher and Coach
Email Grace Irick
BJH Girl's Swimming, Cheerleading
BJH Football
Craig Alaniz
Auxiliary Teacher & Coach - BJH
Email Craig Alaniz
BJH Football, Boy's Soccer
Curt Bitterly
Email Curt Bitterly
DPJH Football, Boy's Basketball, Boy's Track
Chris Gross
Teacher & Coach - BJH
Email Chris Gross
BJH Football, Boy's Basketball, Boy's Tennis
Heath Harvey
Football, Cross-country and Track
Darrell Kellam
Science Teacher and Coach - BJH
Email Darrell Kellam
BJH Football, Boy's Track, Boy's Swimming
Heath Wells
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - BJH
Email Heath Wells
7B Football, Boy's Soccer
BJH Girl's Basketball
Ashley Babb
PE & Coach - BJH
Email Ashley Babb
BJH Volleyball, Girl's Basketball, Girl's Tennis
Sydney Holloway
ELA Teacher & Coach - BJH
BJH Girl's Basketball
Madyson Milliorn
Math Teacher & Coach - BJH
Email Madyson Milliorn
BJH Girl's Basketball, DPHS Golf
Ashley Winn
PE and Coach - BJH
Email Ashley Winn
BJH Volleyball, Girl's Basketball, Girl's Track, DPHS Women's Track
BJH Girl's Cross Country
Graceanne Flanagan
ELA Teacher and Coach - BJH
Email Graceanne Flanagan
BJH Girl's Cross Country, Girl's Track, Girl's Swimming
BJH Girl's Soccer
Sara Smith
ELA Teacher and Coach - BJH
Email Sara Smith
BJH Volleyball, Girl's Track, Girl's Soccer
BJH Girl's Swimming
Graceanne Flanagan
ELA Teacher and Coach - BJH
Email Graceanne Flanagan
BJH Girl's Cross Country, Girl's Track, Girl's Swimming
Grace Irick
Social Studies Teacher and Coach
Email Grace Irick
BJH Girl's Swimming, Cheerleading
BJH Girl's Tennis
Ashley Babb
PE & Coach - BJH
Email Ashley Babb
BJH Volleyball, Girl's Basketball, Girl's Tennis
BJH Girl's Track
Graceanne Flanagan
ELA Teacher and Coach - BJH
Email Graceanne Flanagan
BJH Girl's Cross Country, Girl's Track, Girl's Swimming
Sara Smith
ELA Teacher and Coach - BJH
Email Sara Smith
BJH Volleyball, Girl's Track, Girl's Soccer
BJH Volleyball
Ashley Babb
PE & Coach - BJH
Email Ashley Babb
BJH Volleyball, Girl's Basketball, Girl's Tennis
Sara Smith
ELA Teacher and Coach - BJH
Email Sara Smith
BJH Volleyball, Girl's Track, Girl's Soccer
Ashley Winn
PE and Coach - BJH
Email Ashley Winn
BJH Volleyball, Girl's Basketball, Girl's Track, DPHS Women's Track
Bilingual and ESL
Alba Benavides
Email Alba Benavides
(832) 668-7128
Maricela Campos
Director of Bilingual/ESL Programs
Email Maricela Campos
Aimee Espinoza
LEP Clerk
(832) 668-8282
Enedelia Hinojosa
LEP Assessment/Instructional Specialist
Email Enedelia Hinojosa
(832) 668-8280
Ana Mercado
LEP Assessment/Instructional Facilitator
Email Ana Mercado
(832) 668-7200
Anairis Miles
Bilingual ESL/Instructional Specialist - PWE
Email Anairis Miles
(832) 668-8414
Perla Ramos
Coordinator of Bilingual/ESL
Email Perla Ramos
(832) 668-7133
Business Office
Irene Aragon
Payroll Specialist
Email Irene Aragon
Jessica Bernal-Arenas
A/P Clerk
Email Jessica Bernal-Arenas
Vendors L-Z & Apple
John-Marcus Canales
Email John-Marcus Canales
David Edgar
Assistant Superintendent for Business Services
Email David Edgar
Donna Fontenot
Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent for Business Services
Email Donna Fontenot
Patricia Jacops
TRS Specialist
Email Patricia Jacops
Karla Kelly
Secretary to the Director of Finance
Email Karla Kelly
John Knowlton
Director of Purchasing
Email John Knowlton
Andrea Morgan
Purchasing Specialist
Email Andrea Morgan
Melissa Orozco
A/P Clerk
Email Melissa Orozco
Vendors A - D
Reynaldo Paz
Accounting Manager
Email Reynaldo Paz
(832) 668-7027
Adrienne Rojas
Payroll Specialist
Email Adrienne Rojas
(832) 668-7021
(832) 668-7094
Melanie Rose
A/P Clerk
Email Melanie Rose
Vendors E - K & Office Depot
Cristal Soliz
Payroll and Benefits Manager
Email Cristal Soliz
Megan Thompson
Director of Finance
Email Megan Thompson
(832) 668-7009
(832) 668-7093
Kerri Ramos
CTE Secretary
Email Kerri Ramos
(832) 668-7103
Whitney Weaver
Director Career and Technical Education
Email Whitney Weaver
(832) 668-7151
Kayla Yates
Career and Technical Education Coordinator
Email Kayla Yates
(832) 668-7263
Carpenter Elementary
Shannon Upshaw
Carpenter Elementary Nurse
Email Shannon Upshaw
Child Nutrition
Tammy Beasley
Email Tammy Beasley
Elva Cabrera
Email Elva Cabrera
Susana Granados
Email Susana Granados
Michelle Keener
Director of Child Nutrition
Email Michelle Keener
Maria Simons
Compliance Specialist
Email Maria Simons
(832) 668-7048
Communications/Public Information
Julie Berg
Administrative Assistant
Email Julie Berg
Alivia Doolan
Sub Intern for Communication Dept.
Email Alivia Doolan
Matt Lucas
Director of Communications
Email Matt Lucas
Joe Perez
Communications Specialist
Email Joe Perez
Coordinated School Health
Cheryl Westmoreland
Director of Nursing
Email Cheryl Westmoreland
(832) 668-7167
Counseling and Family Services
Kate Akers, LPC, LCDC
District Support Counselor - DAEP
Email Kate Akers, LPC, LCDC
Supporting DAEP (Elementary & Secondary)
Janelly Alfaro
Counselor - Deepwater JH
Email Janelly Alfaro
Lee Anne Aluotto, LPC, LCDC
District Support Counselor - Bonnette JH
Email Lee Anne Aluotto, LPC, LCDC
Supporting: BJH, DWJH, DPJH, FJH
Khelle Anderson
Counselor - South Campus DPHS
Email Khelle Anderson
Brandy Babcock
College and Career Readiness Counselor - DPHS - South Campus
Email Brandy Babcock
Mary Jenna Berner
SEL Counselor - Fairmont Elementary
Email Mary Jenna Berner
(832) 668-5604
Haley Bockman
Counselor - Early Childhood Center
Lauren Bynum
Counselor - Deepwater Junior High
Email Lauren Bynum
Christine Campo
Counselor - DPHS - North Campus
Email Christine Campo
Kelly Carlile, LPC
SEL Counselor - Dabbs Elementary
Email Kelly Carlile, LPC
Phone: 832.668.8113
Anabel Cervantes
Counselor - FJH
Email Anabel Cervantes
(832) 668-7814
Chelsey Crull
Counselor - DPHS - North Campus
Email Chelsey Crull
Leslie Cruse
Long Term Sub for Counselor - DWJH
Email Leslie Cruse
Sara Dailey
Counselor - Deer Park Junior High
Email Sara Dailey
Sherri Dial, LPC
Coordinator for Support Services
Email Sherri Dial, LPC
(832) 668-7261
Norma Dodd
Counselor - Deepwater Elementary
Email Norma Dodd
Cynthia Felix, LBSW
Community Outreach Specialist - Deepwater Elementary
Email Cynthia Felix, LBSW
(832) 668-8318
Supporting DPISD
Marly Freeman
Counselor - Carpenter Elementary
Email Marly Freeman
Liliana Garcia
Counselor - San Jacinto Elementary
Email Liliana Garcia
Edith Garza
SEL Counselor - Parkwood Elementary
Email Edith Garza
Amy Goudy, LBSW
District Support Counselor - DPHS - North Campus
Email Amy Goudy, LBSW
Supporting DPHS-NC
Rachel Griffin
Director of Counseling and Family Services
Email Rachel Griffin
(832) 668-7143
Vanessa Harry
Lead Counselor - DPHS - South Campus
Email Vanessa Harry
Kellie Hill
SEL Counselor - Carpenter Elementary
Email Kellie Hill
Sean LaBua
Counselor - South Campus DPHS
Email Sean LaBua
Rita Martinez
Counselor - Deepwater Elementary
Email Rita Martinez
(832) 668-8258
Bonnie Mccoy
Counselor - DPHS - North Campus & Wolters Campus
Email Bonnie Mccoy
Ginger Mendisabal
Counselor - Dabbs Elementary
Email Ginger Mendisabal
(832) 668-8103
Yuliana Miranda
Counselor - DPHS - South Campus
Email Yuliana Miranda
Kimberly Moore
Counselor - Fairmont Junior High
Email Kimberly Moore
Blake Owen
Counselor - South Campus
Email Blake Owen
Beth Pembroke
Counselor - Fairmont Elementary
Email Beth Pembroke
Emily Richards
Counselor - DPHS - Wolters Campus
Email Emily Richards
Anna Roden
Counselor - Parkwood Elementary
Email Anna Roden
Veronica Serna
Counselor - Deer Park Junior High
Email Veronica Serna
(832) 668-7515
Vilma Smith
Counselor - Bonnette Junior High
Email Vilma Smith
(832) 668-7714
Keelie Stephenson
SEL Counselor - DPE
Email Keelie Stephenson
Deer Park Elementary
Jessica Tutor
Counselor - Deer Park Elementary
Email Jessica Tutor
(832) 668-8004
Meghan Williams
Counselor - BJH
Email Meghan Williams
Alicia Zamora
Counselor - DPHS South Campus
Email Alicia Zamora
Christopher Davis
Cybersecurity Specialist
Email Christopher Davis
(832) 668-7445
DPHS Baseball
Donnie Elliott
Speech Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Donnie Elliott
DPHS Baseball, Assistant Girls Basketball Coach
Justin Garney
CTE Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Justin Garney
DPHS Football, DPHS Baseball
Chris Rupp
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Chris Rupp
DPHS Baseball (HC)
Darren Schneider
AVID Teacher & Coach
Email Darren Schneider
832-668-7300 Extension:73710
DPHS Baseball
David White
ELA Teacher & Coach - DAEP
Email David White
DPHS Baseball
DPHS Cheerleading
Ashley Evans
Special Ed Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Ashley Evans
DPHS Cheerleading
Courtney McGlynn
ELA Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Courtney McGlynn
DPHS Cheerleading (HC)
Miranda Neu
English I Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Miranda Neu
DPHS Cheerleading
DPHS Cross Country | Men's
John Davis
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - NC
Email John Davis
DPHS Men's Cross Country (HC), DPHS Men's Track
J.T. Fletcher
Physical Education Teacher; Coach - NC
Email J.T. Fletcher
DPHS Men's Basketball, DPHS Men's Cross Country
DPHS Cross Country | Women's
Michelle Linton
Email Michelle Linton
Zach Whitaker
Math Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Zach Whitaker
DPHS Women's Track, DPHS Women's Cross Country (HC)
DPHS Football
Ben Barkema
Offensive Coordinator Football - DPHS
Email Ben Barkema
DPHS Football
Dakota Chandler
PE Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Dakota Chandler
DPHS Football, DPHS Men's Basketball
Austin Flynn
Head Football Coach, Assistant Athletic Director
Email Austin Flynn
DPHS Football (HC)
Justin Garney
CTE Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Justin Garney
DPHS Football, DPHS Baseball
Scott Harrell
Special Ed Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Scott Harrell
DPHS Football, DPHS Women's Track
Thomas Heidt
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Thomas Heidt
DPHS Football, Men's Soccer
Ryan Hrncir
Special Ed/Physical Education Teacher & Coach
Email Ryan Hrncir
DPHS Men's Basketball, DPHS Football
Michael Lawrence
Business Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Michael Lawrence
DPHS Football, DPHS Men's Track
Dan Lounsbury
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Dan Lounsbury
DPHS Women's Track (HC), DPHS Football
Timothy Martin
Physical Education/Weight Lifting. Defensive Coordinator Football
Email Timothy Martin
DPHS Football
Russell Medley
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Russell Medley
DPHS Men's Track, DPHS Football
Marc Milliorn
HS Coach - South Campus
Email Marc Milliorn
DPHS Football
Christopher Quillian
Coach - SC
Email Christopher Quillian
DPHS Football
Jeffrey Sciba
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Jeffrey Sciba
832-668-7300 ext.73242
DPHS Football, DPHS Men's Soccer, DPHS Women's Soccer
Robin Vida
Social Studies Teacher /Coach - South
DPHS Football, Men's Track
Bryan Williams
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Bryan Williams
DPHS Football, DPHS Men's Track
Clayton Cauthen
Special Education Teacher / Coach
Email Clayton Cauthen
DPHS Golf Coach (HC)
Madyson Milliorn
Math Teacher & Coach - BJH
Email Madyson Milliorn
BJH Girl's Basketball, DPHS Golf
Tyler Talley
World Geography Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Tyler Talley
DPHS Men's Basketball
Cesar Aguilar
Spanish Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Cesar Aguilar
DPHS Men's Basketball, DPHS Men's Track
Ryan Bright
AVID Teacher & Coach - DPHS
Email Ryan Bright
DPHS Men's Basketball (HC)
Dakota Chandler
PE Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Dakota Chandler
DPHS Football, DPHS Men's Basketball
J.T. Fletcher
Physical Education Teacher; Coach - NC
Email J.T. Fletcher
DPHS Men's Basketball, DPHS Men's Cross Country
Ryan Hrncir
Special Ed/Physical Education Teacher & Coach
Email Ryan Hrncir
DPHS Men's Basketball, DPHS Football
Oscar Madrigal
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Oscar Madrigal
DPHS Men's Basketball
DPHS Men's Soccer
Thomas Heidt
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Thomas Heidt
DPHS Football, Men's Soccer
Jerry Hurtado
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Jerry Hurtado
DPHS Men's Soccer (HC)
Fernando Romero
Special Education Aide - NC & Coach - FJH; SC
FJH Boys Soccer, DPHS Soccer
Jeffrey Sciba
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Jeffrey Sciba
832-668-7300 ext.73242
DPHS Football, DPHS Men's Soccer, DPHS Women's Soccer
Philip Simecek
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Philip Simecek
DWJH Boy's Soccer, DPHS Men's Soccer
DPHS Men's Track
Cesar Aguilar
Spanish Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Cesar Aguilar
DPHS Men's Basketball, DPHS Men's Track
John Davis
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - NC
Email John Davis
DPHS Men's Cross Country (HC), DPHS Men's Track
P J Graham
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - SC
Email P J Graham
DPHS Men's Track (HC)
Michael Lawrence
Business Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Michael Lawrence
DPHS Football, DPHS Men's Track
Russell Medley
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Russell Medley
DPHS Men's Track, DPHS Football
Robin Vida
Social Studies Teacher /Coach - South
DPHS Football, Men's Track
Bryan Williams
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Bryan Williams
DPHS Football, DPHS Men's Track
DPHS Softball
Kennedi Dillow
Special Ed Teacher & Coach - SC
Danyell Hines
Special Ed Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Danyell Hines
DPHS Softball
Gisella Paranich
Special Ed Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Gisella Paranich
DPHS Softball
Katie Schaefer
Special Education Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Katie Schaefer
DPHS Softball
Alysa Torres
Special Education Aide & Coach - SC
Email Alysa Torres
DPHS Softball
Amy Vidal-Bush
Head Softball Coach - SC
Email Amy Vidal-Bush
DPHS Softball (HC)
DPHS Strength and Conditioning
Troy Ramsey
Head Strength and Conditioning Coach
Email Troy Ramsey
Mathew Weise
Teacher & Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach - SC
Email Mathew Weise
DPHS Swimming and Diving
Jacob Camp
Science Teacher & Swimming, Diving, and Water Polo Coach - SC
Email Jacob Camp
DPHS Swimming and Diving Coach (HC)
Lane Derrick
IPC/Science Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Lane Derrick
DPHS Swimming
Kristina Sullivan
Auxiliary Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Kristina Sullivan
DPHS Tennis
Tommy Heim
Coach - SC
Email Tommy Heim
DPHS Tennis (HC)
Ryan Marsalis
Special Ed Teacher & Coach - WC
Email Ryan Marsalis
DPHS Tennis
John Pinon
Special Ed Teacher & Coach - SC
Email John Pinon
DPHS Tennis
DPHS Volleyball
Allyson Combs
Special Ed Inclusion Teacher & Coach - CE
Email Allyson Combs
DPHS Volleyball
Cortni Cox
Head Volleyball Coach
Email Cortni Cox
DPHS Volleyball (HC)
Lauren Edmonds
Science Teacher & Coach
Email Lauren Edmonds
DPHS Volleyball
Melinda Stone
Special Education Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Melinda Stone
DPHS Volleyball
Danielle Whitaker
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Danielle Whitaker
DPHS Volleyball
DPHS Water Polo
Jacob Camp
Science Teacher & Swimming, Diving, and Water Polo Coach - SC
Email Jacob Camp
DPHS Swimming and Diving Coach (HC)
DPHS Women's Basketball
Warren Brooks
Sp Ed Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Warren Brooks
832-668-7300 ext. 73212
DPHS Women's Basketball (HC)
Donnie Elliott
Speech Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Donnie Elliott
DPHS Baseball, Assistant Girls Basketball Coach
Kelly Garrett
ELA Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Kelly Garrett
DPHS Women's Basketball, DPHS Women's Track
Cheryl Ray
Science Teacher & Coach
Email Cheryl Ray
DPHS Women's Basketball
Stephanie Walker
Math Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Stephanie Walker
Assistant Women's Basketball Coach
DPHS Women's Soccer
Alanis Chukwujekwu
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Alanis Chukwujekwu
DPHS Women's Soccer
Scott Flenniken
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - WC
Email Scott Flenniken
DPHS Women's Soccer
Jesse Saavedra
AVID Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Jesse Saavedra
DPHS Women's Soccer (HC)
Julia Saavedra
Math Co-Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Julia Saavedra
DPHS Women's Soccer
Jeffrey Sciba
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Jeffrey Sciba
832-668-7300 ext.73242
DPHS Football, DPHS Men's Soccer, DPHS Women's Soccer
DPHS Women's Track
Kelly Garrett
ELA Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Kelly Garrett
DPHS Women's Basketball, DPHS Women's Track
Scott Harrell
Special Ed Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Scott Harrell
DPHS Football, DPHS Women's Track
Jillian Hrinevich
Science Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Jillian Hrinevich
DPHS Women's Track
Michelle Linton
Email Michelle Linton
Dan Lounsbury
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Dan Lounsbury
DPHS Women's Track (HC), DPHS Football
Zach Whitaker
Math Teacher & Coach - NC
Email Zach Whitaker
DPHS Women's Track, DPHS Women's Cross Country (HC)
Ashley Winn
PE and Coach - BJH
Email Ashley Winn
BJH Volleyball, Girl's Basketball, Girl's Track, DPHS Women's Track
DPJH Boy's Basketball
Coy Cromeens
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Coy Cromeens
DPJH Football, DPJH Boy's Basketball, DPJH Boy's Tennis, DPJH Girl's Soccer
Aaron Evans
7th Grade Math Teacher - DPJH
Email Aaron Evans
DPJH Football, Boy's Basketball
Taylor Henson
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Taylor Henson
DPJH Football, DPJH Boy's Basketball, DPJH Boy's Track,
DPJH Boy's Cross Country
Aaron Arriazola
Special Ed Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Aaron Arriazola
DPJH Football, DPJH Boy's Cross Country, DPJH Boy's Soccer
DPJH Boy's Soccer
Aaron Arriazola
Special Ed Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Aaron Arriazola
DPJH Football, DPJH Boy's Cross Country, DPJH Boy's Soccer
DPJH Boy's Swimming
Tendai Lynch
Social Studies Department Chair, 8th Grade US History, 7th Grade Texas History, & Coach - DPJH
Email Tendai Lynch
History Department Chair DPJH Football, DPJH Boy's Track, DPJH Boy's Swimming
DPJH Boy's Tennis
Coy Cromeens
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Coy Cromeens
DPJH Football, DPJH Boy's Basketball, DPJH Boy's Tennis, DPJH Girl's Soccer
DPJH Boy's Track
Taylor Henson
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Taylor Henson
DPJH Football, DPJH Boy's Basketball, DPJH Boy's Track,
Tendai Lynch
Social Studies Department Chair, 8th Grade US History, 7th Grade Texas History, & Coach - DPJH
Email Tendai Lynch
History Department Chair DPJH Football, DPJH Boy's Track, DPJH Boy's Swimming
DPJH Cheerleading
Madeline Cornelius
ELA Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Madeline Cornelius
DPJH Cheerleading
Amy Redman
RTI Specialist - DWJH/FJH
Email Amy Redman
DPJH Football
Aaron Arriazola
Special Ed Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Aaron Arriazola
DPJH Football, DPJH Boy's Cross Country, DPJH Boy's Soccer
Coy Cromeens
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Coy Cromeens
DPJH Football, DPJH Boy's Basketball, DPJH Boy's Tennis, DPJH Girl's Soccer
Aaron Evans
7th Grade Math Teacher - DPJH
Email Aaron Evans
DPJH Football, Boy's Basketball
Taylor Henson
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Taylor Henson
DPJH Football, DPJH Boy's Basketball, DPJH Boy's Track,
Tendai Lynch
Social Studies Department Chair, 8th Grade US History, 7th Grade Texas History, & Coach - DPJH
Email Tendai Lynch
History Department Chair DPJH Football, DPJH Boy's Track, DPJH Boy's Swimming
Desiderio Torres
PASS Aide & Coach- DPJH
Email Desiderio Torres
DPJH Football
Stancle Williams
Auxiliary Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Stancle Williams
DPJH Girl's Basketball
Leisa Davidson
STEM Education Teacher & Coach
Email Leisa Davidson
DPJH Volleyball, DPJH Girl's Basketball, DPJH Girl's Track
Rebecca Hood
Math Teacher and Coach - DPJH
Email Rebecca Hood
DPJH Girl's Volleyball, Girl's Basketball, Girl's Track, Girl's Swimming
Brooke Nance
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Brooke Nance
DPJH Girl's Coordinator 7th volleyball, 8th Basketball, 8th Cross country, Girl's tennis
DPJH Girl's Cross Country
Brooke Nance
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Brooke Nance
DPJH Girl's Coordinator 7th volleyball, 8th Basketball, 8th Cross country, Girl's tennis
DPJH Girl's Soccer
Coy Cromeens
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Coy Cromeens
DPJH Football, DPJH Boy's Basketball, DPJH Boy's Tennis, DPJH Girl's Soccer
DPJH Girl's Swimming
Rebecca Hood
Math Teacher and Coach - DPJH
Email Rebecca Hood
DPJH Girl's Volleyball, Girl's Basketball, Girl's Track, Girl's Swimming
Candace Pyle
ELA Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Candace Pyle
DPJH Girl's Swimming
Taylor Sims
Science Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Taylor Sims
DPJH Girl's Swimming
DPJH Girl's Tennis
Brooke Nance
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Brooke Nance
DPJH Girl's Coordinator 7th volleyball, 8th Basketball, 8th Cross country, Girl's tennis
DPJH Girl's Track
Leisa Davidson
STEM Education Teacher & Coach
Email Leisa Davidson
DPJH Volleyball, DPJH Girl's Basketball, DPJH Girl's Track
Rebecca Hood
Math Teacher and Coach - DPJH
Email Rebecca Hood
DPJH Girl's Volleyball, Girl's Basketball, Girl's Track, Girl's Swimming
DPJH Volleyball
Leisa Davidson
STEM Education Teacher & Coach
Email Leisa Davidson
DPJH Volleyball, DPJH Girl's Basketball, DPJH Girl's Track
Rebecca Hood
Math Teacher and Coach - DPJH
Email Rebecca Hood
DPJH Girl's Volleyball, Girl's Basketball, Girl's Track, Girl's Swimming
Brooke Nance
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - DPJH
Email Brooke Nance
DPJH Girl's Coordinator 7th volleyball, 8th Basketball, 8th Cross country, Girl's tennis
DWJH Boy's Basketball
Douglas Blue
Social Studies Teacher and Coach - DWJH
Email Douglas Blue
DWJH Football, Boy's Basketball, Boy's Tennis
Justin Kouba
Social Studies Instructional Coach/Teacher & Athletic Coach - DWJH
Email Justin Kouba
DWJH Football, Boys's Basketball, Boy's Swimming
Jacob Trader
Physical Education Teacher and Coach
Email Jacob Trader
DWJH Football, DWJH Boy's Basketball, Boy's Track
DWJH Boy's Cross Country
Nathan Kello
Physical Education & Coach
Email Nathan Kello
DWJH Football, Boy's CrossCountry, Boy's Track
DWJH Boy's Soccer
Philip Simecek
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - SC
Email Philip Simecek
DWJH Boy's Soccer, DPHS Men's Soccer
DWJH Boy's Swimming
Andres Garcia
Science Teacher & Coarch - DWJH
Email Andres Garcia
Justin Kouba
Social Studies Instructional Coach/Teacher & Athletic Coach - DWJH
Email Justin Kouba
DWJH Football, Boys's Basketball, Boy's Swimming
DWJH Boy's Tennis
Douglas Blue
Social Studies Teacher and Coach - DWJH
Email Douglas Blue
DWJH Football, Boy's Basketball, Boy's Tennis
DWJH Boy's Track
Nathan Kello
Physical Education & Coach
Email Nathan Kello
DWJH Football, Boy's CrossCountry, Boy's Track
Jacob Trader
Physical Education Teacher and Coach
Email Jacob Trader
DWJH Football, DWJH Boy's Basketball, Boy's Track
DWJH Cheerleading
Katherine Newman
Math Teacher & Cheer Coach - DWJH
Email Katherine Newman
DWJH Cheer
DWJH Football
Douglas Blue
Social Studies Teacher and Coach - DWJH
Email Douglas Blue
DWJH Football, Boy's Basketball, Boy's Tennis
Andres Garcia
Science Teacher & Coarch - DWJH
Email Andres Garcia
Nathan Kello
Physical Education & Coach
Email Nathan Kello
DWJH Football, Boy's CrossCountry, Boy's Track
Justin Kouba
Social Studies Instructional Coach/Teacher & Athletic Coach - DWJH
Email Justin Kouba
DWJH Football, Boys's Basketball, Boy's Swimming
Jacob Trader
Physical Education Teacher and Coach
Email Jacob Trader
DWJH Football, DWJH Boy's Basketball, Boy's Track
DWJH Girl's Basketball
Susan Burke
Social Studies Teacher - DWJH
Email Susan Burke
DWJH Girls Basketball
Clarissa Castellanos
Science Teacher & Coach - DWJH
Email Clarissa Castellanos
DWJH Girl's Basketball
Reynalda Medina Davila
Email Reynalda Medina Davila
DWJH Girls Basketball
Lacy Nash
Physical Education Teacher & Coach
Email Lacy Nash
DWJH Volleyball, DWJH Girl's Basketball, DWJH Girl's Track
Courtney Tummins
Physical Education Teacher and Coach
Email Courtney Tummins
DWJH Volleyball, DWJH Girl's Basketball, DWJH Girl's Tennis
DWJH Girl's Cross Country
Lucia Hernandez
CTIS & Coach - DWJH
Email Lucia Hernandez
DWJH Girl's Cross Country
DWJH Girl's Soccer
Marlana Teekel
Texas History Teacher & Coach - DWJH
Email Marlana Teekel
DWJH Volleyball, DWJH Girl's Track, Girls Soccer
DWJH Girl's Swimming
Bridgett Hitchcock
Physical Education Coach - DWJH
Email Bridgett Hitchcock
DWJH Girl's Swimming, DWJH Track, DWJH Volleyball
DWJH Girl's Tennis
Courtney Tummins
Physical Education Teacher and Coach
Email Courtney Tummins
DWJH Volleyball, DWJH Girl's Basketball, DWJH Girl's Tennis
DWJH Girl's Track
Bridgett Hitchcock
Physical Education Coach - DWJH
Email Bridgett Hitchcock
DWJH Girl's Swimming, DWJH Track, DWJH Volleyball
Madison Milom
Long Term Sub for Pam Crawford & Coach - DWJH
Email Madison Milom
DWJH Volleyball, DWJH Track
Lacy Nash
Physical Education Teacher & Coach
Email Lacy Nash
DWJH Volleyball, DWJH Girl's Basketball, DWJH Girl's Track
Marlana Teekel
Texas History Teacher & Coach - DWJH
Email Marlana Teekel
DWJH Volleyball, DWJH Girl's Track, Girls Soccer
Hannah Wichkoski
Science Instructional Coach - DWJH
Email Hannah Wichkoski
DWJH Girl's Track
DWJH Volleyball
Bridgett Hitchcock
Physical Education Coach - DWJH
Email Bridgett Hitchcock
DWJH Girl's Swimming, DWJH Track, DWJH Volleyball
Madison Milom
Long Term Sub for Pam Crawford & Coach - DWJH
Email Madison Milom
DWJH Volleyball, DWJH Track
Lacy Nash
Physical Education Teacher & Coach
Email Lacy Nash
DWJH Volleyball, DWJH Girl's Basketball, DWJH Girl's Track
Marlana Teekel
Texas History Teacher & Coach - DWJH
Email Marlana Teekel
DWJH Volleyball, DWJH Girl's Track, Girls Soccer
Courtney Tummins
Physical Education Teacher and Coach
Email Courtney Tummins
DWJH Volleyball, DWJH Girl's Basketball, DWJH Girl's Tennis
Deer Park Education Foundation
Jennifer Torres
Email Jennifer Torres
Deer Park High School
Ryan Bright
AVID Teacher & Coach - DPHS
Email Ryan Bright
DPHS Men's Basketball (HC)
Tambra Gadd
Administrative Assistant to the Athletic Director
Email Tambra Gadd
(832) 668-7241
Nancy Aceituno
Dyslexia Specialist
Email Nancy Aceituno
(832) 668-8300
Deepwater Elementary
Salvador Alcala
Bilingual Dyslexia Specialist
Email Salvador Alcala
Parkwood Elementary
Jennifer Amonette
Dyslexia Specialist
Email Jennifer Amonette
(832) 668-8500
Fairmont Elementary
Brandi Aston
Dyslexia Specialist
Email Brandi Aston
(832) 668-7600
Deer Park Jr. High
Amber Bromberg
Dyslexia Specialist
Email Amber Bromberg
(832) 668-8500
Fairmont Elementary
Cynthia Durham
Dyslexia Specialist
Email Cynthia Durham
Fairmont Junior High
Kendra Fields
Dyslexia Specialist
Email Kendra Fields
(832) 668-8100
Dabbs Elementary
Katrina Garrett
Dyslexia Specialist
Email Katrina Garrett
(832) 668-8400
Carpenter Elementary
Julie Goodson
Dyslexia Specialist
Email Julie Goodson
832-668-7900 (Ext. 79925)
San Jacinto Elementary
Kristy Havard
Dyslexia Specialist
Email Kristy Havard
(832) 668-8400
Carpenter Elementary Itinerant
Wendy Manion
Dyslexia Specialist
Email Wendy Manion
(832) 668-8200
Parkwood Elementary
Misti Mead
Executive Director of Special Services
Email Misti Mead
Kelly Scott
Dyslexia Specialist
Email Kelly Scott
(832) 668-7700
Bonnette Junior High
Kristin Story
Dyslexia Specialist
Email Kristin Story
(832) 668-7600
Deepwater Junior High
Christina Vasquez
Bilingual Dyslexia Specialist
Email Christina Vasquez
Deepwater Elementary
Angie Willms
District Dyslexia Instructional Coach
Email Angie Willms
Educational Support Center
Wendy Zellers
Dyslexia Specialist
Email Wendy Zellers
Deer Park Elementary
Educational Diagnosticians
Monica Armendariz
Email Monica Armendariz
Edika Castillo
Email Edika Castillo
Brittany Craig
Email Brittany Craig
Katarina Frye
Email Katarina Frye
Salina Gonzales
Email Salina Gonzales
Amber Heselmeyer
Email Amber Heselmeyer
Mindy Hickman
Email Mindy Hickman
Yesenia Hinojosa
Email Yesenia Hinojosa
Dana Beth Moore
Email Dana Beth Moore
Jessica Riggan
Email Jessica Riggan
(832) 668-7550
Deer Park Junior High
Lindsey Rodriguez
Email Lindsey Rodriguez
Martha Rojas
Email Martha Rojas
Yvonne Ubias
Lead Diagnostician
Email Yvonne Ubias
Arissa Vargas
Email Arissa Vargas
Emma Vargas
Email Emma Vargas
Jennifer Wendeburg
Diagnostician - ESC
Email Jennifer Wendeburg
FJH Boy's Basketball
Travis Courtney
SLC Aide & Coach - FJH
FJH Football, FJH Boy's Basketball
John Roberts
Construction Design/STEM Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email John Roberts
FJH Football, FJH Boy's Basketball, FJH Boy's Track
Christopher Spretz
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Christopher Spretz
FJH Football, FJH Boy's Basketball, FJH Boy's Track
FJH Boy's Cross Country
Russell Schoppe
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Russell Schoppe
FJH Football, FJH Boy's Cross Country, FJH Boy's Track
FJH Boy's Soccer
Julius Karow
PASS Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Julius Karow
FJH Football, Boys Soccer
Fernando Romero
Special Education Aide - NC & Coach - FJH; SC
FJH Boys Soccer, DPHS Soccer
FJH Boy's Swimming
Robert Green
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Robert Green
FJH Football, FJH Boy's Tennis, FJH Boy's Swimming
FJH Boy's Tennis
Robert Green
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Robert Green
FJH Football, FJH Boy's Tennis, FJH Boy's Swimming
FJH Boy's Track
John Roberts
Construction Design/STEM Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email John Roberts
FJH Football, FJH Boy's Basketball, FJH Boy's Track
Russell Schoppe
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Russell Schoppe
FJH Football, FJH Boy's Cross Country, FJH Boy's Track
Christopher Spretz
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Christopher Spretz
FJH Football, FJH Boy's Basketball, FJH Boy's Track
FJH Cheerleading
Ragan Gainey
Math Teacher - FJH
Email Ragan Gainey
FJH Cheerleading
FJH Football
Travis Courtney
SLC Aide & Coach - FJH
FJH Football, FJH Boy's Basketball
Robert Green
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Robert Green
FJH Football, FJH Boy's Tennis, FJH Boy's Swimming
Blake Hayes
Social Studies Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Blake Hayes
FJH Football
Julius Karow
PASS Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Julius Karow
FJH Football, Boys Soccer
John Roberts
Construction Design/STEM Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email John Roberts
FJH Football, FJH Boy's Basketball, FJH Boy's Track
Russell Schoppe
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Russell Schoppe
FJH Football, FJH Boy's Cross Country, FJH Boy's Track
Christopher Spretz
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Christopher Spretz
FJH Football, FJH Boy's Basketball, FJH Boy's Track
FJH Girl's Basketball
Jamie Jacobs
Math Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Jamie Jacobs
FJH Volleyball, FJH Girl's Basketball
Dawn Lamberth
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Dawn Lamberth
FJH Volleyball, FJH Girl's Basketball, FJH Girl's Track,
Tressa Milliorn
Math Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Tressa Milliorn
FJH Volleyball, FJH Girl's Basketball, FJH Girl's Tennis
Kelly Sinclair
Physical Education & Coach - FJH
Email Kelly Sinclair
FJH Volleyball, FJH Girl's Basketball, FJH Girl's Track
FJH Girl's Cross Country
Emilee Baena
Special Ed Teacher, & Coach - FJH
Email Emilee Baena
FJH Girl's Cross Country, FJH Girl's Track, FJH Girl's Soccer
FJH Girl's Soccer
Emilee Baena
Special Ed Teacher, & Coach - FJH
Email Emilee Baena
FJH Girl's Cross Country, FJH Girl's Track, FJH Girl's Soccer
FJH Girl's Tennis
Tressa Milliorn
Math Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Tressa Milliorn
FJH Volleyball, FJH Girl's Basketball, FJH Girl's Tennis
FJH Girl's Track
Emilee Baena
Special Ed Teacher, & Coach - FJH
Email Emilee Baena
FJH Girl's Cross Country, FJH Girl's Track, FJH Girl's Soccer
Dawn Lamberth
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Dawn Lamberth
FJH Volleyball, FJH Girl's Basketball, FJH Girl's Track,
Kelly Sinclair
Physical Education & Coach - FJH
Email Kelly Sinclair
FJH Volleyball, FJH Girl's Basketball, FJH Girl's Track
FJH Volleyball
Jamie Jacobs
Math Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Jamie Jacobs
FJH Volleyball, FJH Girl's Basketball
Dawn Lamberth
Physical Education Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Dawn Lamberth
FJH Volleyball, FJH Girl's Basketball, FJH Girl's Track,
Tressa Milliorn
Math Teacher & Coach - FJH
Email Tressa Milliorn
FJH Volleyball, FJH Girl's Basketball, FJH Girl's Tennis
Kelly Sinclair
Physical Education & Coach - FJH
Email Kelly Sinclair
FJH Volleyball, FJH Girl's Basketball, FJH Girl's Track
Facility Rentals
John-Marcus Canales
Email John-Marcus Canales
Fine Arts
Jason Dove
Email Jason Dove
Sabrina McBride
Fine Arts Secretary
Email Sabrina McBride
Health Services
Kimberly Baggett
DPHS South Campus Nurse
Email Kimberly Baggett
Ashley Carpenter
Deepwater Junior High Nurse
Email Ashley Carpenter
(832) 668-7605
Holley Dupin
Deepwater Elementary Nurse
Email Holley Dupin
Courtney Erdmann
DPHS North & Wolters Campus Nurse
Email Courtney Erdmann
Aurora Garza
Parkwood Elementary Nurse
Email Aurora Garza
Michelle Gore
Fairmont Junior High Nurse
Email Michelle Gore
Kristi Kendzior
Bonnette Junior High Nurse
Email Kristi Kendzior
(832) 668-7705
Meagan Miller
Deer Park Junior High Nurse
Email Meagan Miller
(832) 668-7505
(832) 668-7550
Monica Murray
Fairmont Elementary
Email Monica Murray
Amanda Nunn
Deer Park Elementary Nurse
Email Amanda Nunn
Laura Ransom
DPHS South Campus Nurse
Email Laura Ransom
Alicia Sandoval
Early Childhood Center Nurse
Email Alicia Sandoval
Erica Sprouse
Nurse - SJE
Email Erica Sprouse
Andrea Trahan Vaughn
Dabbs Elementary Nurse
Email Andrea Trahan Vaughn
Shannon Upshaw
Carpenter Elementary Nurse
Email Shannon Upshaw
Cheryl Westmoreland
Director of Nursing
Email Cheryl Westmoreland
(832) 668-7167
Aaliyah Ysquierdo, LVN
Early Childhood Center Nurse
Email Aaliyah Ysquierdo, LVN
Homework Help
Homework Help
AVID Tutor
Email Homework Help
Human Resources
Denise Batchelor
Coordinator of Human Resources
Email Denise Batchelor
(832) 668-7051
Blancanieves Galvan
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources - ESC
Email Blancanieves Galvan
(832) 668-7050
Griselda Gonzalez
Director of Human Resources
Email Griselda Gonzalez
Courtney Gossett
HR Specialist for Non-Certified Employees
Email Courtney Gossett
Herlinda Guerrero
Administration Building Receptionist
Email Herlinda Guerrero
Lisa Lambright
HR Data Specialist
Email Lisa Lambright
(832) 668-7057
Sharese Mendoza
Assistant Personnel Data Specialist
Email Sharese Mendoza
(832) 668-7053
Pamela Schaefer
Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent of HR
Email Pamela Schaefer
(832) 668-7055
Estela Wicke
Specialist for Non-Certified Employees
Email Estela Wicke
Information Systems
Melissa Konvicka
Student Information Data Specialist
Email Melissa Konvicka
(832) 668-7446
Misty Moffitt
PEIMS Manager
Email Misty Moffitt
(832) 668-7461
Stephanie Petty
Coordinator of Student Information
Email Stephanie Petty
(832) 668-7455
Chelsey Sheffield
Student Information Data Specialist
Email Chelsey Sheffield
Kitt Andrews
Director of Social Studies and Advanced Academics
Email Kitt Andrews
(832) 668-7109
Melanie Austin
Admin. Asst. to Deputy Superintendent for Instruction
Email Melanie Austin
(832) 668-7081
Alba Benavides
Email Alba Benavides
(832) 668-7128
Maricela Campos
Director of Bilingual/ESL Programs
Email Maricela Campos
Carey Driskell
Director of Science
Email Carey Driskell
(832) 668-7111
Natalie Elfstrom
DOI Secretary - ESC
Email Natalie Elfstrom
(832) 668-7102
Baron Hannsz
Director of Mathematics
Email Baron Hannsz
(832) 668-7118
Stephanie Lopez
DOI Clerk - ESC
Email Stephanie Lopez
(832) 668-87107
Elva Maldonado-Gonzalez
Coordinator for Reading Recovery
Email Elva Maldonado-Gonzalez
(832) 668-7103
Lisa Meyer
Director of English
Email Lisa Meyer
(832) 668-7112
Lauren Preston
Coordinator of ELA
Email Lauren Preston
(832) 668-7114
Dana Rainer
Math Coordinator
Email Dana Rainer
832-668-8400 ext.84004
Perla Ramos
Coordinator of Bilingual/ESL
Email Perla Ramos
(832) 668-7133
Tiffany Regan
Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
Email Tiffany Regan
(832) 668-7056
Whitney Rich
Executive Director of Instruction
Email Whitney Rich
Steven Travis
Director of Assessment and Accountability
Email Steven Travis
(832) 668-7122
Whitney Weaver
Director Career and Technical Education
Email Whitney Weaver
(832) 668-7151
Instructional Technology
Edwin Bealle
Coordinator of Digital Learning
Email Edwin Bealle
(832) 668-7467
Rachelle Corry
Coordinator of Digital Resources
Email Rachelle Corry
Jared Creel
Digital Media Specialist
Email Jared Creel
(832) 668-7450
Kelly Grigg
Director of Instructional Technology
Email Kelly Grigg
(832) 668-7453
Kari Murphy
Chief Technology Officer
Email Kari Murphy
(832) 668-7450
Library Services
Jennifer Gonzalez
Librarian - PWE
Email Jennifer Gonzalez
Keila Hernandez
Librarian - DWE
Email Keila Hernandez
Brittnie Partin
CTIS & Librarian - ECC
Email Brittnie Partin
Amanda Szymczak
Librarian - DWJH
Email Amanda Szymczak
Elyse Totten
Librarian - DPE
Email Elyse Totten
Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP)
Jan Bailes-Del Toro
Email Jan Bailes-Del Toro
Jo Anne Gafford
Email Jo Anne Gafford
Veronica Guerrero
Email Veronica Guerrero
Lucia Khurana
Email Lucia Khurana
Laurel Killgore
Email Laurel Killgore
Judit Lynch
Email Judit Lynch
Rachel Nixon
Email Rachel Nixon
Kimberly Plant
Email Kimberly Plant
Lauren Tagle
Email Lauren Tagle
Isela Valadez
Email Isela Valadez
Adrianne Wilkins
Email Adrianne Wilkins
Network Systems
Kyle Bailey
Support Technician
Email Kyle Bailey
Brett Burdeaux
Apple Specialist
Email Brett Burdeaux
(832) 668-7450
Tad Conaty
Support Technician
Email Tad Conaty
(832) 668-7450
Christopher Davis
Cybersecurity Specialist
Email Christopher Davis
(832) 668-7445
Alex Dixie
Supervisor of Network Systems
Email Alex Dixie
(832) 668-7448
Todd Ford
Telephone Specialist
Email Todd Ford
(832 668-7463
Shawn Hartis
Apple Specialist
Email Shawn Hartis
(832) 668-7450
Melissa Hemby-Barrios
Support Technician
Email Melissa Hemby-Barrios
(832) 668-7450
Jansci Joaquin
Support Technician
Email Jansci Joaquin
(832) 668-7450
Larry Martin
Network Systems
Email Larry Martin
(832) 668-7465
Andy Moore
Audio/Video Specialist
Email Andy Moore
(832) 668-7450
Phillip Rainbolt
Support Technician
Email Phillip Rainbolt
Sean Swihart
Support Technician
Email Sean Swihart
Mark Turbeville
Network Analyst
Email Mark Turbeville
(832) 668-7450
Francisco Zendejas
Support Technician
Email Francisco Zendejas
Occupational and Physical Therapy
Baylee Biggerstaff
Occupational Therapist
Lana Carter, PTA
Physical Therapist Assistant
Email Lana Carter, PTA
(832) 6687176
Assists PT on Elementary Campuses
Jamie Le
Occupational Therapist
Jenniffer Reyna
Physical Therapist - ESC
Email Jenniffer Reyna
(832) 668-7176
Maria Woods-Petitti
Occupational Therapist
Email Maria Woods-Petitti
Outdoor Learning Center
Jennifer Coughran
OLC Facilitator
Email Jennifer Coughran
Payroll and Benefits
Irene Aragon
Payroll Specialist
Email Irene Aragon
Patricia Jacops
TRS Specialist
Email Patricia Jacops
Adrienne Rojas
Payroll Specialist
Email Adrienne Rojas
(832) 668-7021
(832) 668-7094
Cristal Soliz
Payroll and Benefits Manager
Email Cristal Soliz
Print Shop
Julian Gonzalez
Print Shop Manager - Print Shop
Email Julian Gonzalez
(832) 668-7441
Nereira Velazquez
Print ShopTech 2
Email Nereira Velazquez
(832) 668-87440
John Knowlton
Director of Purchasing
Email John Knowlton
Andrea Morgan
Purchasing Specialist
Email Andrea Morgan
Reading Recovery
Jennifer Addison
Reading Recovery Teacher - FE
Email Jennifer Addison
(832) 668-8500
Monica Frederick
Reading Recovery Teacher - Deer Park Elementary
Email Monica Frederick
(832) 668-8000
Andrea Garcia
2nd Grade Teacher / DC - PWE
Email Andrea Garcia
San Juana Garcia
Reading Recovery
Email San Juana Garcia
Descubriendo la Lectura/DLL Teacher at Parkwood Elementary
Cori Hay
1st Grade Teacher - FE
Email Cori Hay
Jonelle Hickerson
Reading Recovery Teacher - Dabbs Elementary
Email Jonelle Hickerson
(832) 668-8100 ext 81208
Elva Maldonado-Gonzalez
Coordinator for Reading Recovery
Email Elva Maldonado-Gonzalez
(832) 668-7103
Marisa Mckinney
Reading Recovery Teacher - Carpenter Elementary
Email Marisa Mckinney
Lisa Meyer
Director of English
Email Lisa Meyer
(832) 668-7112
Monica Munoz
Reading Recovery Teacher - SJE
Email Monica Munoz
Tammy Padgett
Reading Recovery Teacher - Carpenter Elementary
Email Tammy Padgett
(832) 668-8400
Zullibeth Perez
Reading Recovery Teacher - Descubriendo la Lectura (DLL)
Email Zullibeth Perez
(832) 668-8200
Angela Scott
Reading Recovery Teacher - SJE
Email Angela Scott
Lucy Soto
Kindergarten Bilingual Teacher - PWE
(832) 668-8200
Rhonda Stringer
Reading RecoveryTeacher - Parkwood Elementary
Email Rhonda Stringer
(8320 668-8200
Kelly Tryer
Reading Recovery Teacher - Parkwood Elementary
Email Kelly Tryer
(832) 668-8200
Risk Management
Andrea Morgan
Purchasing Specialist
Email Andrea Morgan
Safety and Security
Steve Corry
Deputy Superintendent for Administration
Email Steve Corry
(832) 668-7070
Title IX Coordinator
Dora Garcia
Director of Safety
Email Dora Garcia
(832) 668-7065
Samantha Vincent
Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Superintendent for Administration
Email Samantha Vincent
(832) 668-7070
Service Center
Felipe Arredondo
Service Center - General Craftsman
Email Felipe Arredondo
Ismael Bernal
Evening Maintenance Helper
Email Ismael Bernal
Cindy Canales
Bookkeeper - Service Center
Email Cindy Canales
Bobbie Clapp
Email Bobbie Clapp
Charles Corossan
Email Charles Corossan
Jeremy Jarvis
Maintenance Helper
Email Jeremy Jarvis
Jason Orozco
Maintenance Helper
Email Jason Orozco
John Parks
Craftsman Tech
Email John Parks
Randy Rice
Building Operations Supervisor - Service Center
Email Randy Rice
Sam Sessions
Director of Facilities Management
Email Sam Sessions
South Campus
Amanda Prein
Email Amanda Prein
Special Services
Mona Barlow
ARD Facilitator
Email Mona Barlow
Heather Bradshaw
Special Services Secretary
Email Heather Bradshaw
Susan DeCoux
Elementary Special Services Coordinator - ESC
Email Susan DeCoux
(832) 668-7149
Victoria Fields
Director of Special Services
Email Victoria Fields
Jessica Fletcher
Behavior Specialist - ESC
Email Jessica Fletcher
Diana Garcia
ARD Facilitator
Email Diana Garcia
(832) 668-7191
Kyle Gibson
District Behavior Specialist
Email Kyle Gibson
(832) 668-7189
Mayra Gonzalez
Special Services Assessment Clerk
Email Mayra Gonzalez
Thomas Goodwin
ARD Facilitator
Email Thomas Goodwin
(832) 668-7178
Rachel Griffin
Director of Counseling and Family Services
Email Rachel Griffin
(832) 668-7143
Jennifer Hartis
Lead Speech and Language Pathologist
Email Jennifer Hartis
(832) 668-7113
Hayley Hearn
Special Services Records Clerk
Email Hayley Hearn
(832) 668-7172
(281) 930-4833
Gracie Hollywood
Assessment Clerk - ESC
Email Gracie Hollywood
(832) 668-7141
Misti Mead
Executive Director of Special Services
Email Misti Mead
Tara Menard
Special Services Assessment Clerk
Email Tara Menard
Michele Olson
Special Services PEIMS Clerk
Email Michele Olson
Karen Page
Medicaid Claims Specialist
Email Karen Page
Chad Palladino
Autism Specialist - ESC
Email Chad Palladino
(832) 668-7157
Stephanie Rainer
Secondary Instructional Coordinator for Special Ed
Email Stephanie Rainer
(832) 668-7156
Jenniffer Reyna
Physical Therapist - ESC
Email Jenniffer Reyna
(832) 668-7176
Brenda Ritchie
ARD Facilitator - ESC
Email Brenda Ritchie
Elizabeth Stone
CTIS and Assistive Technology Lead
Email Elizabeth Stone
Lauren Tagle
Email Lauren Tagle
Carmen Waggoner
Behavior Specialist - ESC
Email Carmen Waggoner
Angela Weldon
ARD Facilitator
Email Angela Weldon
Cheryl Westmoreland
Director of Nursing
Email Cheryl Westmoreland
(832) 668-7167
Angie Willms
District Dyslexia Instructional Coach
Email Angie Willms
Educational Support Center
Arielle Wilson
ARD Facilitator - ESC
Email Arielle Wilson
Speech & Language Pathologists (SLP)
Erika Alcantar
Speech Language Pathologist
Email Erika Alcantar
Christi Bacon
Speech Language Pathologist - SJE
Email Christi Bacon
San Jacinto Elementary
Rosanel Brown
Bilingual Speech & Language Pathologist
Email Rosanel Brown
Deepwater Elementary
Jacqueline Cantu
Speech & Language Pathologist Assistant
Email Jacqueline Cantu
Early Childhood Center
Courtney Carpenter
Speech Language Pathologist Assistant
Deepwater Elementary
Cristine Cavazos
Speech Language Pathologist - PWE
Parkwood Elementary
Carla Covarrubias
Speech & Language Pathologist
Email Carla Covarrubias
Fairmont JH, Deer Park JH, South Campus, and Deer Crossing
Iris De Leon
Speech & Language Pathologist
Email Iris De Leon
Early Childhood Center
Karlee Farish
Speech Language Pathologist Assistant
Email Karlee Farish
Esteban Fuentes
Speech & Language Pathologist Assistant - Bilingual
Email Esteban Fuentes
Parkwood Elementary
Iris Garza
Speech Language Pathologist (SLPA)- ESC
Email Iris Garza
Parkwood Elementary
Gabriela Gutierrez
Speech & Language Pathologist Assistant - Bilingual
Email Gabriela Gutierrez
Parkwood Elementary
Anjulee Hinojosa
Speech Language Pathologist (SLP)
Email Anjulee Hinojosa
Deer Park Elementary
Tracy Keller
Speech Language Pathologist
Email Tracy Keller
Carpenter Elementary
Michael Maerten
Speech & Language Pathologist
Email Michael Maerten
Dabbs Elementary
Cassie Medellin
Speech & Language Pathologist (SLP)
Email Cassie Medellin
Carpenter Elementary
Annabelle Montalvo
Bilingual Speech & Language Pathologist
Email Annabelle Montalvo
Parkwood Elementary, Pre-K and Early Childhood Education
Simmone Morris
Speech Language Pathologist
Fairmont Elementary
Leah Mosqueda
Speech Language Pathologist Assistant
Email Leah Mosqueda
Fairmont Elementary
Faith Nicolas
Speech Language Pathologist Intern
Email Faith Nicolas
Dabbs Elementary
Roxxana Salas
Bilingual Speech Language Pathologist
Email Roxxana Salas
Parkwood Elementary
Alexys Torres
Speech & Language Pathologist Assistant
Hailee Whitmire
Speech & Language Pathologist
Email Hailee Whitmire
Early Childhood Center
Sports Medicine
Jim Davidson, LAT
Head Athletic Trainer
Email Jim Davidson, LAT
(832) 668-7245
Lauren Finn, MEd, ATC, LAT
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Email Lauren Finn, MEd, ATC, LAT
Sylvia Lee
Trainer - SC
Email Sylvia Lee
David Viaclovsky, LAT
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Email David Viaclovsky, LAT
Staff for Students with Visual Impairments
Jodie Eakin
Orientation and Mobility Specialist
Email Jodie Eakin
(832) 668-7363
Shari Lins
Teacher of Visually Impaired
Email Shari Lins
Christy Moody
Teacher - VI
Email Christy Moody
(832) 668-7361
Students in Foster Care Placement
Sherri Dial, LPC
Coordinator for Support Services
Email Sherri Dial, LPC
(832) 668-7261
Students in Homeless Situations
Sherri Dial, LPC
Coordinator for Support Services
Email Sherri Dial, LPC
(832) 668-7261
Superintendent’s Office
Stephen Harrell
Superintendent of Schools
Email Stephen Harrell
Bridget Winstead
Coordinator for Superintendent and Board Services
Email Bridget Winstead
(832) 668-7080
Kyle Bailey
Support Technician
Email Kyle Bailey
Edwin Bealle
Coordinator of Digital Learning
Email Edwin Bealle
(832) 668-7467
Estela Brown
Help Desk Clerk
Email Estela Brown
Brett Burdeaux
Apple Specialist
Email Brett Burdeaux
(832) 668-7450
Tad Conaty
Support Technician
Email Tad Conaty
(832) 668-7450
Rachelle Corry
Coordinator of Digital Resources
Email Rachelle Corry
Jared Creel
Digital Media Specialist
Email Jared Creel
(832) 668-7450
Christopher Davis
Cybersecurity Specialist
Email Christopher Davis
(832) 668-7445
Alex Dixie
Supervisor of Network Systems
Email Alex Dixie
(832) 668-7448
Todd Ford
Telephone Specialist
Email Todd Ford
(832 668-7463
Kelly Grigg
Director of Instructional Technology
Email Kelly Grigg
(832) 668-7453
Shawn Hartis
Apple Specialist
Email Shawn Hartis
(832) 668-7450
Melissa Hemby-Barrios
Support Technician
Email Melissa Hemby-Barrios
(832) 668-7450
Jansci Joaquin
Support Technician
Email Jansci Joaquin
(832) 668-7450
Melissa Konvicka
Student Information Data Specialist
Email Melissa Konvicka
(832) 668-7446
Larry Martin
Network Systems
Email Larry Martin
(832) 668-7465
Cynthia Martinez
Asset Manager
Email Cynthia Martinez
(832) 668-7451
Misty Moffitt
PEIMS Manager
Email Misty Moffitt
(832) 668-7461
Andy Moore
Audio/Video Specialist
Email Andy Moore
(832) 668-7450
Andrea Moreno
Business Data Analyst
Email Andrea Moreno
(832) 668-7450 (ext. 74216)
Kari Murphy
Chief Technology Officer
Email Kari Murphy
(832) 668-7450
Stephanie Petty
Coordinator of Student Information
Email Stephanie Petty
(832) 668-7455
Phillip Rainbolt
Support Technician
Email Phillip Rainbolt
Rolando Ramirez
Programmer Analyst
Email Rolando Ramirez
(832) 668-7449
Jenny Sharp
Technology Administrative Assistant to CTO
Email Jenny Sharp
Chelsey Sheffield
Student Information Data Specialist
Email Chelsey Sheffield
Sean Swihart
Support Technician
Email Sean Swihart
Mark Turbeville
Network Analyst
Email Mark Turbeville
(832) 668-7450
Francisco Zendejas
Support Technician
Email Francisco Zendejas
Title I and Truancy
Diana Alvarez
Drop Out/Truant Officer
Email Diana Alvarez
(832) 668-7125
Responsible for North Campus, South Campus, and Wolters Campus
Donna Yost
Director of Federal and State Programs
Email Donna Yost
(832) 668-7124
Jay Archer
Transportation Supervisor
Mary Jane Castoreno
AM Dispatcher
Email Mary Jane Castoreno
Bertha Guzman-Bata
Transportation - Lead Bus Driver
Email Bertha Guzman-Bata
Drew Hickerson
Director of Transportation
Email Drew Hickerson
Kori Isbell
Route Specialist
Email Kori Isbell
Brendel Roark
Transportation - Trip Specialist
Email Brendel Roark
Michelle Soto
Transportation - Lead Bus Driver
Email Michelle Soto
Donald Thompson
Assistant Director of Transportation
Email Donald Thompson
Parent Portal
Staff Directory