Policies and Regulations » Attendance Rule

Attendance Rule

State law mandates that students must be in class at least 90 percent of the days each semester. The State Board of Education also adopted a requirement that each student"s absences be aggregated on the basis of "90 percent of the days the class is offered," whether the time frame is semester, scholastic year, or other. In addition, a student will not receive credit in any class in which he has more than six truancies. Alternative ways have been established for students to make up work and regain lost credits. A denial of credit may be appealed to the School Board and then to the district court in the county in which the central administrative building is located.
When a student reaches the maximum number of absences allowed in a semester, the student will be notified by the assistant principal or the attendance office that he has reached the maximum number of absences for that class or classes. The student will be told that he/she will not be eligible for credit in those courses if he has any additional absences. The Board of Trustees shall approve one or more attendance committees from each campus to hear petitions for class credit by students who are in attendance less than 90 percent of the days each semester. A petition (with documentation) must be submitted to the grade level assistant principal or attendance clerk no later than the end of school on the last class day prior to exams each semester.
The district shall not schedule nor permit students to participate in any school-related or sanctioned activities, on or off campus, that would require, permit, or allow a student to be absent from class time in any course more than seven times during a semester or more than ten times during the school year. Competition beyond the district level is not included in the limit. Students who change teachers but remain in the same course will have their absences transferred to the receiving teacher.