Department Overview
The office of the Deputy Superintendent is responsible for providing a safe and secure learning environment for the students of DPISD by providing parents, community members, and students with the information about the rules that help us maintain this safe learning environment. The responsibilities of this department include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Safety and Security
- Visitor I.D. System - Each campus/facility is equipped with Raptor technology. Raptor is a web-based software application that aids education facilities in tracking their visitors, students and faculty to help control campus security.
- Student Handbooks and Student Code of Conduct
- Student Discipline
- Student Transfers
- Intradistrict Transfers - Applications are available at each campus and are accepted from January 7th – March 31st for the following school year.
Limited Open Enrollment - Applications are available on all district campuses during the school year. The online application will be available the week before Spring Break - June on the Limited Open Enrollment tab on the Administration/Student Services section of the district website.
- Intradistrict Transfers - Applications are available at each campus and are accepted from January 7th – March 31st for the following school year.
- Complaints and Grievances - forms are available in the office of the Deputy Superintendent.