Financial Fraud Hotline
Deer Park ISD has established a financial fraud hotline number through which employees can call and leave a message regarding known or suspected fraud, theft, or other financial abuse of District property.
The hotline number is (832) 668-7991.
Employees may call this number to report theft of District property, including cash, checks, property, or other financial misappropriation. Financial fraud includes:
- any theft or misappropriation of District assets, including cash, checks, supplies, materials or other assets
- under-reporting of absences
- false reporting of time worked or reimbursable employee expenditures.
Employees may call and leave a message detailing as much information as they are comfortable leaving on the record. The more information we have, the easier it will be to investigate claims. While it would be helpful for callers to leave a name and contact information, this information is not required.
The District established this hotline for several reasons. First, our external auditors have strongly encouraged us to establish the hotline as an additional internal accounting control. Second, we want employees to have an avenue to report misuse or misappropriation of District assets---anonymously---without fear of reprisal. Last and most importantly, it is the right thing to do.
While the District does not anticipate a high volume of calls to this hotline, we will take every call seriously and investigate each call based on the information provided.All calls will be recorded, investigated as appropriate, and reported in summary form each month to management.
This is not a District complaint hotline. Complaints and grievances should be handled through normal channels and according to District policy.