DPISD Street Directory
Parents who are new to Deer Park ISD schools can determine which school their child will attend by accessing the 2023-24 Street Directory. The directory includes an alphabetical list of all streets located in DPISD. Parents should find their street under the "Street Name" column, then narrow their search by determining where their number address falls within the "Number Low" and "Number High" range.
Once the correct address line is found, the child's elementary school is listed in the yellow column and the junior high school is listed in the blue column. All high school students attend Deer Park High School, with ninth-graders being housed at DPHS-North Campus and grades 10-12 attending school at DPHS-South Campus.
For example, if the family resides at 1234 Center Street in Deer Park, the parent should first find Center Street on the list, then narrow the search to the correct address number range (102-730). (See the pink highlighted area below.)

To access the 2023-24 Street Directory, click the following link.