Accounts Payable » Petty Cash

Petty Cash

  • When taping the receipts, please do not tape over the amounts or information at the top or bottom of a receipt. We cannot reimburse you if we cannot read the amounts or dates on the receipts.
  • Email a copy of the petty cash reconciliation form and attachments to [email protected]. We are no longer requiring originals to be sent to AP.
  • Please do not co-mingle personal items with school related purchases. 
  • If a receipt is over $100.00, you will need to create an expense claim.
  • Staff members should not receive over $100.00 on a single Petty Cash check. Once they are close to $100.00, the receipts must be reimbursed on an expense claim. 
  • Please do not use personal accounts to order items from Amazon, Office Depot etc. 
  • Please remind your staff members to ship items to the campus address and not their home address. 
  • Petty cash has to be balanced out to the penny before leaving on summer break. For auditing purposes. 
  • Receipts must be turned in on a monthly basis. Staff should not hold onto receipts months at a time to get reimbursed.
  • The Secretary/Bookkeeper that requests Petty Cash change must pick up the check in person to ensure funds were received promptly.